Practitioners Day Belgium 2019

What is alive among the Art of Hosting/Participatory leadership practitioners in Belgium and what might be needed?

We gladly invite anyone living, working or trained in Belgium to connect with each other and discover what is alive in the Belgian field of AoH practitioners and what is needed to stay in practice together to keep on learning.

Register here!

Is there a community of AoH practitioners? What could it look like and what would allow it to deepen? What allows us to build capacity in having and hosting meaningful conversations that matter? What can help us practice our practices? What is the kind of soil we need to be authentic, to nurture meaningful interactions and to foster our learning in dealing with complexity?

We invite us all to share, explore or invite in our learnings, our meaningful doings and/or needs. Come and join us in this learning opportunity. Every voice matters!

Please self-arrange any carpooling offers/needs in the event discussions.

Location: Atelier Leven, Waalbeekstraat 83, 9870 Zulte
Welcome and coffee: 10 am
Start: 10:30 am
End: 6 pm
Contribution to the costs: €15 (coffee, cake, location) – to be collected at the event
Lunch: Bring your own potluck (+1) = something to eat and share with at least 1 person
RSVP by 6 September 2019

Your hosts of the day: Valerie Carrette, Isabelle Krauss, Marina Lynch, Damien Versele