TEAM: Hosting team 2016


OUR Journey together on Prezi

Thank You, Guido, for compiling this presentation.

Picture ALBUMS

Day 0

Day 1

day 2day3



Helen’s pictures of all 3 days

Poetic Harvests

Poems written by Dorothy Oger:

Poem made into a  video by Stien Michiels:

A poem written by René Herlaar:


What we learned together

This is the harvest of the final circle – word for word  –
answering the question ‘what do you sense we learnt as a group?’


we learnt to listen to each other and to act
space to give, to hold, to take
we have learnt to reside in silence trusting
the power and beauty of story
to stay strong together


we learnt that we are all human beings
very quickly we enjoy each others company
to see money as an opportunity maker
offering what you can is as much in service to the collective as offering what you need


we learnt again what we already know to be true that there is hope in the art of hosting
we learnt to walk a chaordic path together
we learnt to trust a shared economy – the bigger the trust the bigger the pot


We learnt that courage has many faces and we desperately need it in this world
we learnt there was a  lot we didn’t learn and orange of course
we learnt to turn our expectations to shit
sit and wait not knowing what will grow by the seed


To cross our personal path and connect deeply
that makes me feel you are my brother and sister and that is priceless


we learnt that a full agenda is not always best and easiest option
we learnt that the secret of abundance is co creation
that learning in itself in not is not necessarily a nice thing or comfortable
but in the end it is enriching


The people who arrived on Saturday are not those that walk away today
we learnt
to touch each others hearts

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