Team ’18

joinusYour hosting team for this training reflects some of the diversity we wish to invite in the training itself. We have French-speakers, Dutch-speakers, English speakers, expats and nomads; we are employed in the public sector, private sector, civil society, social enterprise, self –employed; we are multi-generational, multidisciplinary, multinational; we have different levels of experience in hosting conversations that matter.

Ria BaeckRia Baeck – Ria brought the Art of Hosting to Belgium in 2006 and continues to learn more about it every day. Her special focus these days is on how we can apply the principles to everyday situations in organisational contexts. Her antennae are always sensing into what is next, what unborn potential is present. She is excited by self-organisation and the emergence of the truly new. She also appreciates good theory and models. Grandmother of 6, Ria loves dancing and working in her organic garden. Spotted Zebras PercolabCollective Presencing  

An Baert – “Art of Hosting is the art of co-creating a context in which you and others can flourish”, says An, who supports teams and organisations to deal better with resistance and growth in the presence of conflict or changes brought about by reorganisation, mergers, strategy shifts or innovation. She grew up in a no-nonsense nest of entrepreneurs, where small businesses sat around the kitchen table. An is also the author of ‘FROM THE INSIDE OUT, Five steps to accelerated and sustainable growth’ (Not yet translated: ‘VAN BINNENUIT, Vijf stappen naar versnelde en duurzame groei’)(2016). Spotted ZebrasPercolabVan Binnenuit (English)

Ivo Bols Ivo is a passionate entrepreneur, heart and soul – so he loves to make a difference. He inspires companies and its employees to work autonomously. At Wildlife Paddock Ivo works passionately with horses and brings people closer to their meaning. 
His trumps are an indestructible energy, his ability to make crystal clear analyses and his ability to get the best out of people and their situation with great creativity. He does this with boldness, softness and humor. His motto is: “Inner leadership leads to an unexpected flow of creative developments”.  Spotted Zebras – Percolab – Wildlife Paddock  

Nora Ganescu Nora (Romania/Germany/Belgium) is an author, consultant and coach, specialising in organisational development. Her passion is people and she has dedicated her career helping companies and organisations creating better results with genuine participation and collaboration. She is always learning and exploring the “cutting edge” in this field. She is a practitioner of the next organisational paradigms that have self-organisation and wholeness at their center.
Nora is the author of “THE CEO’S PLAYBOOK: turning the employees you have into the dream team you always wanted”, a roadmap on the journey to the companies and the (better and saner) work worlds of the future. Campfire 

Samantha Slade Samantha (Canada) is co-founder and director of Percolab. As a social designer, she supports organisations and teams to break out of legacy organisational culture and adopt participatory leadership approaches, collaborative practices and prototype mindsets. She designs and runs multi-stakeholder engagement and co-design processes. She also co-develops culture-driven software solutions for the future of work and is the author of ‘Going Horizontal – Creating a non-hierarchical organization, one practice at a time’ (to be released fall 2018). Percolab  

Damien VerseleDamien Versele – A lawyer by training, Damien is now the director of De Sleutel, a network of care organisations working with drug prevention and the care for and rehabilitation of people with addictions. As a qualified coach, he has years of experience with coaching individuals, teams and organisations. Since 2015, he has been a practitioner of the Art of Hosting and an impact coach with the Sociale Innovatiefabriek (Brussels). talentum-coaching  

Helen Titch BeethHelen Titchen Beeth – Helen has been working with the patterns and practices of the Art of Hosting since 2006. Her particular fascination has been with the many ways of bringing the worldview from which these practices emerge into more materialistic contexts of our current power structuresspecifically the EU institutions

Katrien Wijns Katrien brings many years of experience as a project leader of social initiatives for the city of Antwerp. It was love at first sight for Katrien when she encountered the Art of Hosting in 2015 and again with SALT early this year. Since then, she has been a practitioner of both. She recently became an independent conversation facilitator, and is also the operational director of the actors’ group Aksident.

Valérie Carrette – As a consultant, Valérie supports the potential of managers, employees and their organizations. She has participated in various international courses on leadership such as ‘Transformational presence for leaders’ (Alan Seale), ‘Who do we choose to be? Reality, Leadership and Sanity ‘(Margaret Wheatley),’ Change Makers Alchemy of Courageous Choice ‘(Mac Macartney) and ‘Going horizontal ‘(Samantha Slade). She has a special interest in participatory leadership and practices that generate and built on collective intelligence.

Joke Jonckiere – After a career switch in 2017 Joke consciously chose for a human way of doing business: taking into account the wellbeing of co-workers and organisations, keeping focus on what is important for everyone, making more impact possible. Via principles and techniques from a.o. Art of Hosting, Non Violent Communication, Sociocracy 3.0, u.lab,… she creates a new way of life and a new professional role. How can we connect people and organisations who want to do things ‘differently’?